Stuck with a Slow-running Application?

March 12, 2021


As a vendor, when a client comes to you to solve a problem, the goal is to resolve it quickly and efficiently. But when a client presents a problem you can’t solve, then what? This is often the scenario that drives IT managed service providers to reach out to our database experts at Solvara due to an often-overlooked and essential part of the technology stack – the database. Here’s an example:

A help desk provider had a client come to them complaining of a slow-running application. As the application got slower and slower, it began to impact employees internally and, even worse, hindered the businesses ability to convert website visitors into customers. Unfamiliar with database performance, the team at the help desk company spent hours of time and energy troubleshooting the problem. However, they were looking in the wrong places for the solution. Finally, the help desk provider consulted their peer network for advice and were quickly directed to Solvaria for database support.

“Unfamiliar with database performance, the team at the help desk company spent hours of time and energy troubleshooting the problem.”


Solvaria DBAs quickly determined the slow-running application was being caused by a database issue and were able to quickly access the database remotely and resolve the issue within hours. Once the problem was resolved, the help desk provider decided to enroll in MMT4MSP to keep Solvara’s team of DBAs accessible should another client run into a similar problem.


By adding database services to their help desk offerings, the provider:

  1. Created a value-add to their clients and filled the gap in their IT service offerings, allowing them to provide enterprise class database services without making an internal hire.
  2. Additionally, the help desk provider was able to add database services to their list of offerings on their website and made an announcement to their existing customers. This opened the door for them to be able to offer database services proactively to a number of their customers.
  3. Finally, by taking advantage of the 20 hour assessment for the client with the issue previously described, they uncovered additional issues that could have impacted the business in the future

With an additional offering and more expertise, the yearly investment the help desk provider made in MMT4MSP was more than made up for in the additional business that came from database services.
