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Purple Gradient Modern UI New Hire Onboarding Company Presentation 4
December 8, 2022

Interview with New Hire – Sasha

Sasha McClain, our newest Solvarian, will be working as the VP of Sales and Business Development for our Atlanta market. Welcome to the team, Sasha! 
New Hire
Solvaria News
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tech Blog Post Banner
December 5, 2022

Trends in Database Automation and DevOps

Whether your company uses on-premise database systems or has made the popular jump to the Cloud, there is a definite uptick in automated systems. This is a newer option in which aspects of data upkeep are routinely updated, monitored, and fixed by an online system. 
Database Management
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businessman hand working on laptop computer with digital layer business strategy and social media diagram on wooden desk 3
November 21, 2022

What to Consider When Evaluating a Software Package

“A fool with a tool is still a fool.” I use this phrase all the time with organizations who are going through software package evaluations.  With the “tool” in this expression being the software being evaluated, sometimes the companies we work with must evaluate the process they are trying to automate before jumping into an expensive new tool.  If they
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November 21, 2022

RMAN backup and recovery: Protecting Oracle databases

Data backup and recovery processes are essential for operational efficiency and peace of mind. Think of all the valuable content stored in your organization’s database. From essential internal documentation to sensitive client data and beyond, data resources today are too valuable to take for granted.
Data Analytics
Data Security
Data Warehouse
Database Management
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Purple Gradient Modern UI New Hire Onboarding Company Presentation 2
November 18, 2022

Interview with New Hire – Laurel

Laurel George, our newest Solvarian, will be working as our new Community Relations Specialist. Welcome to the team, Laurel! 
Data Security
Database Management
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Blue Futuristic Technology Poster 600 × 250 px
November 18, 2022

Kerberos Patch Issues

Kerberos, a Windows authentication protocol that authenticates online service requests, has recently been found to have some issues.  
Data Security
Database Management
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November 14, 2022

Database Tuning

When shopping at a grocery store, you want an undemanding experience. The aisles should be organized and clearly labeled. All areas should be clean. And when checking out, you’re hoping for expedited lines and un-smashed eggs in your grocery bags. If a grocery store has any of these key pieces missing, a manager comes in to fix things.  
Data Analytics
Data Security
Database Management
SQL Server
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Blue Futuristic Technology Poster 600 × 250 px
November 10, 2022

Azure SQL Vs SQL Server

Is Azure SQL the same as SQL Server?  
Data Analytics
Data Security
Data Warehouse
Database Management
SQL Server
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November 7, 2022

Vacation Backfill

It’s time to transition from raking leaves to shoveling snow, from breezy open windows to fires roaring in the fireplace. Thanksgiving, Chanukah, Christmas, Solstice – whatever you celebrate, there’s a good chance your DBAs are starting to plan their holiday vacations.  
Data Analytics
Data Security
Data Warehouse
Database Management
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businessman hand working on laptop computer with digital layer business strategy and social media diagram on wooden desk 3 2 1
November 1, 2022

CIO vs CTO – Know the Difference

What’s the difference between a CIO and a CTO?
Data Analytics
Data Security
Data Warehouse
Database Management
SQL Server
Strategic IT Leadership
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