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Slow Application speed 1
February 23, 2023

Target slow application speeds in Oracle and SQL

The scoop:  If you want a car to go faster, what’s your plan to maximize its performance?  Sure, you could buy a bigger engine – it makes sense to think the larger the engine, the faster the car. But that’s an expensive upgrade. And is your car even able to handle the engine; the higher speeds, the higher fuel consumption?
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fcio services 1
February 16, 2023

What a Fractional CIO brings to your business

Picture this – you, in a leadership position, ask your development team to build you a car. They agree (and magically have finessed car-building skills) and get to work. The upside is you’ll have a car built! You asked and you shall receive! The downside is that you’re already set up for failure.   Both parties let each other down.
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February 9, 2023

The importance of data privacy: best practices, privacy law, and how people open up their companies to data breaches

What is data privacy:  There are daily headlines flashing with “data breach” stories. Companies lose money, information, and face every time someone has access to data they shouldn’t. And yet, it keeps happening. Leadership gives access without thinking. Employees share passwords. Little yellow flags turn into waving red ones in the news. And suddenly, your company isn’t saving time and
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Blue Geometric Business Facebook Cover 300 × 175 px Facebook Cover
January 30, 2023

New Year, New IT – best practices for assessing your company’s IT environment

“New year, new me” is a common colloquialism around this time in the season. But how often do we hold ourselves to our New Years resolutions? And how frequently do we bring new goals and a willingness to grow in our workplaces? We pulled up some best practices and questions to ask yourself as you think about running a successful
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January 25, 2023

Ways to check your database health, and what a healthy database can do for your business

What is database health: 
Data Analytics
Data Security
Database Management
SQL Server
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January 13, 2023

5 Feature Updates of SQL Server 2022

Database server versions come and go; updates ride in and out like predictable tides. SQL Server 2022 is one of the newer updates in the data world, only recently being released to the general public. Here are 5 update buckets in the SQL Server flagship (all unique only to SQL Server 2022) to keep an eye out for: 
Database Management
SQL Server
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Green Beige Modern CEO Announcement Newsroom Instagram Post 600 × 250 px
January 5, 2023

Trouble Mode vs Growth Mode

Best Practices
Database Management
Strategic IT Leadership
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Purple Gradient Modern UI New Hire Onboarding Company Presentation 4
December 8, 2022

Interview with New Hire – Sasha

Sasha McClain, our newest Solvarian, will be working as the VP of Sales and Business Development for our Atlanta market. Welcome to the team, Sasha! 
New Hire
Solvaria News
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tech Blog Post Banner
December 5, 2022

Trends in Database Automation and DevOps

Whether your company uses on-premise database systems or has made the popular jump to the Cloud, there is a definite uptick in automated systems. This is a newer option in which aspects of data upkeep are routinely updated, monitored, and fixed by an online system. 
Database Management
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businessman hand working on laptop computer with digital layer business strategy and social media diagram on wooden desk 3
November 21, 2022

What to Consider When Evaluating a Software Package

“A fool with a tool is still a fool.” I use this phrase all the time with organizations who are going through software package evaluations.  With the “tool” in this expression being the software being evaluated, sometimes the companies we work with must evaluate the process they are trying to automate before jumping into an expensive new tool.  If they
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