What is a software license audit?
A software license audit is a formal, mandatory compliance review of a company’s use of products and services. Every software company has its own industry standards it expects all users to comply with. Having mandatory standard compliance reviews performed by auditors allows these software companies to maintain above-board practices and protect intellectual property rights. Auditing helps minimize corporate risk on
What is a technology strategy?
A technology strategy is a plan that utilizes a company’s technology to achieve a goal. Fractional CIO leadership is a great resource for creating and optimizing a technology strategy. What Are The Benefits Of A Technology Strategy? What Can Happen Without A Technology Strategy? What Is Solvaria’s Technology Strategy Assistance Process? Using our patented EnAvant methodology, we conduct full-scale assessments
How to improve database performance?
Improving database performance leads to faster query and application speeds, minimized error messages, and optimized system resources. Your company can improve database performance through tuning. What Does a Healthy Database Look Like? A healthy database has optimal database performance. This shows up as: When Should You Optimize Data Performance? What Might Happen If You Don’t Optimize Your Data Performance? What
What is a database management system (DBMS)?
A database management system is an online structure inside a software tool that stores data. It lets users access and interact with data in the database. A DBA can use the database without interfering with other users’ work in the same data, which maintains data integrity. A database health assessment can help your business optimize whatever DBMS you use. What
What is database migration?
Database migration involves moving data from one platform to another. Your company might move to or from the Cloud, or between companies such as SQL and Oracle or SQL on-prem to Azure. What Database Migration Looks Like Are you considering a database migration? Or moving from one Database Management System (DBMS) to another? Maybe a combination of both? Our team
What is database activity monitoring?
Database activity monitoring uses a set of tools to monitor and report on a database system’s behavior. For 24/7 monitoring and support, we recommend our MMT365 Services. How We Monitor Database Activity Solvaria DBAs have a comprehensive set of monitoring and maintenance practices that ensure your database environment runs at an optimal level, including: Database monitoring tools help track database
What is a database health check?
A database health check is a DBA-run examination of a database system for optimal speed, efficiency, performance, and safety. A healthy database can transform your business. Signs That a Database Health Check is Needed Database health issues often present as long-running queries, frequent error messages, or slow application speeds. If you’re experiencing server issues, downtime, or data loss, it’s time
March 21, 2023
In the driver’s seat: the differences between PaaS, SaaS, IaaS, and on-premises
There are four categories in which your data can live – IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, and on premises. In each category you have different parameters around what you can “do.” Like a driver’s relationship with their car (owning, renting, leasing, or taking a cab), a DBA moves through different relationships with their database based on what type of server they choose.
March 2, 2023
Solvaria celebrates National Women’s History Month
Happy National Women’s History Month! This has been a national celebration since the 1980s; after being petitioned by the National Women’s History Project in 1987, Congress passed Pub. L. 100-9 which designated the month of March 1987 as “Women’s History Month.” The country celebrates the contributions women have made to the United States and recognizes the specific achievements women have made
February 23, 2023
Target slow application speeds in Oracle and SQL
The scoop: If you want a car to go faster, what’s your plan to maximize its performance? Sure, you could buy a bigger engine – it makes sense to think the larger the engine, the faster the car. But that’s an expensive upgrade. And is your car even able to handle the engine; the higher speeds, the higher fuel consumption?