July 21, 2017
Kevin MacMillan Joins Solvaria as VP of Business Development
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Kevin MacMillan Joins Solvaria as Vice President of Business Development Established, Richmond-based IT Consultancy Grows its Sales Team
June 7, 2017
Solvaria Sponsors Virginia Home For Boys And Girls Golf Tournament
Richmond, Va., – Solvaria, Richmond’s only IT consultancy focused exclusively on database services and strategic IT leadership, is sponsoring the annual Virginia Home for Boys and Girls Golf Tournament.
May 16, 2017
Oracle 12c: The Online Datafile Move
One of my favorite new features in Oracle 12c is probably the online datafile move. Previously, a tablespace had to be offline to move a datafile – which can be difficult to do with a live, busy production database. Getting downtime on a 24/7 system for a maintenance task can take quite a bit of time. Not to mention the numerous
May 12, 2017
Resolving ORA-00054: resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified
Oracle’s RDBMS as a product is comprised of thousands of tweakable settings and parameters. Even for someone who works with it every day and actively reads articles on Oracle-related topics and features, useful stuff often still slips through the info net until something hits the wall and you have to dig into a specific usage scenario or error. Here’s what
May 5, 2017
Oracle 12.2 “On Premises” Now Available
Yes folks, it is out there!
April 27, 2017
Solvaria Sponsors MathScience Innovation Center’s 50th Anniversary Celebration
Richmond, Va., – Solvaria, Richmond’s only IT consultancy focused exclusively on database services and strategic IT leadership, is a silver sponsor for the MathScience Innovation Center’s 50th Anniversary celebration.
April 26, 2017
The Value of Presence Vs. Telepresence
Coworkers interact with one another every day via email, phone, text, company sites, and especially face-to-face conversations. As consultants and remote workers, we are tasked with handling multiple organizations’ needs which can become challenging when it comes time to have in person meetings. We simply cannot be in multiple places at once, and often rely on electronic forms of communication to bridge
March 15, 2017
Solvaria Achieves Microsoft Gold Partnership Designation in Data Platform
Solvaria Among Top One Percent of Microsoft Elite Partners
March 2, 2017
Why You Only Need to Hire Half a Person
I received an email the other day with several web links, and one was titled “Why you need half a DBA”. This got me thinking about the current state of IT shops around the area, and the fact that many companies are looking to focus on the core of their businesses. What does focus on the core mean?
February 27, 2017
Solvaria Open House
Richmond, Va.- Solvaria started 2017 off with a big move and we are excited to be settled into our new Richmond headquarters. We recently welcomed friends, partners, and clients to view our new office space and would like to thank everyone who joined us in this celebration!