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businessman hand working with modern technology and digital layer effect as business strategy concept
March 25, 2021

Case Study: Fractional CIO Services for a Manufacturing Company

Best Practices
Database Management
Fractional CIO
IT Budget
Strategic IT Leadership
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December 17, 2020

Start, Stop, Continue: How to Evaluate Employee Responsibilities

As we get ready to start a new year, companies often evaluate their employees and open positions to determine staffing needs.  When performing this evaluation managers should consider the “Start, Stop, Continue” method.  This method is based on the idea that there are tasks that each employee does that they should stop doing, activities that they should start doing, and
Fractional CIO
IT Budget
Strategic IT Leadership
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April 17, 2020

Why Should You Hire a Database Administrator?

Why would a company need to hire a dedicated database manager?
Best Practices
Database Management
IT Budget
Strategic IT Leadership
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halfaperson 2 1
February 26, 2020

What Exactly Does a Fractional CIO ‘Do’?

People always ask me, “What does a Fractional CIO or CTO do?”   First and foremost, we are the individuals accountable for everything involving Information Technology at an organization.  We participate in all senior staff meetings for the company and assist with setting the direction for the organization as well as managing the day to day operations of the technology team.  Even as Senior IT leaders, fractional CIOs
Database Management
Fractional CIO
IT Budget
Strategic IT Leadership
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March 2, 2017

Why You Only Need to Hire Half a Person

 I received an email the other day with several web links, and one was titled “Why you need half a DBA”. This got me thinking about the current state of IT shops around the area, and the fact that many companies are looking to focus on the core of their businesses. What does focus on the core mean? 
Fractional CIO
IT Budget
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November 15, 2016

R&D: An Important Line Item for Every IT Budget

Best Buy and Amazon happen to be two of my favorite places to shop.  The truth is I stop in at a Best Buy or go online to Amazon more than once a week.  Sometimes it is to pick up a cable or piece of hardware for a client or employee, but most of the time it is just to
Fractional CIO
IT Budget
Strategic IT Leadership
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