October 24, 2018
Oracle Database Performance Assessment
Production Server Performance Assessment For a small or mid-size business, database performance issues can mean decreased process efficiency, data stability and even profitability, making it increasingly important to identify the origin of issues immediately. Solvaria’s Production Server Assessment offers a quick, affordable, high-level view into the health of a Production Oracle environment or environments to provide solutions to database
October 26, 2017
Solvaria’s Oracle Practice Lead Selected to Speak at the East Coast Oracle Conference
May 16, 2017
Oracle 12c: The Online Datafile Move
One of my favorite new features in Oracle 12c is probably the online datafile move. Previously, a tablespace had to be offline to move a datafile – which can be difficult to do with a live, busy production database. Getting downtime on a 24/7 system for a maintenance task can take quite a bit of time. Not to mention the numerous
May 12, 2017
Resolving ORA-00054: resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified
Oracle’s RDBMS as a product is comprised of thousands of tweakable settings and parameters. Even for someone who works with it every day and actively reads articles on Oracle-related topics and features, useful stuff often still slips through the info net until something hits the wall and you have to dig into a specific usage scenario or error. Here’s what
May 5, 2017
Oracle 12.2 “On Premises” Now Available
Yes folks, it is out there!